Thursday, July 22, 2010

I am sooooooo SORE!!!

Beginning this week, I have gotten back on the workout wagon. My foot was really bothering me when we were on vacation in Nashville and right after we got home, Erik's sister and niece came to stay with us and his sister was sleeping in the guest bed in the basement rec room, where my treadmill is located. I workout early in the day and she woke up much later than my workout time. So, needless to say, I hadn't been doing much for a couple of weeks.

Sister went home and foot is feeling better, so back on the wagon I went. Been doing the treadmill every day and have upped the pace, but actually decreased the time. Burning same calories in less time and that's what I'm focusing on. If you burn too many calories on this plan, it can be counter productive to weight loss.

Sis in Law came back yesterday....she's doing some freelance work in Knoxville, thus why she's staying here. So, the treadmill isn't available once more. I decided I needed to do something anyway and decided to walk my neighborhood. I just havta say, that being on my flat treadmill, in my dry, 68 degree basement is A LOT different than walking the steep, STEEP hills in my neighborhood in 75 degrees with 90% humidity. It was actually foggy, so that was kinda cool. But, OH MY GOSH.....I thought I was gonna die. I was absolutely drenched in sweat by the time I came home and I am REALLY sore. I definitely worked muscles that I don't on my treadmill! lol I hope I'm able to walk at all tomorrow!!

Everything else is still going great. Official weekly weigh in day is, we'll see what's dropped in the past week for both of us. Our next order is on its way and I'm super excited to try the new pancakes and soft serve ice cream that came out on the 12th. Haven't had pancakes or ice cream in forever and I've heard great things about them!!! :)

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