Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 3 and shaking things up a bit.......

So.....week three was a bit rough for me. Again. Maybe it's not really rough, but it's definitely NOT week one, so it pales in comparison. I guess I really shouldn't compare. My weight is really funny, in that it seems like the scale doesn't budge for my "official" weigh in day, but I'll drop 2-3 pounds over the next couple of days after. I guess there's a reason that we shouldn't weigh *every* day, because it's enough to make you crazy! It's like a total happy dance moment when it moves.....and I'm seriously ticked and even in tears when it doesn't. *sigh* So.....I will give our weight loss statuses as of today. Today, day 24 in this journey, I FINALLY hit 20 lbs lost!!!! WOOHOOOOO!!!!! :) Erik, the big booger, is >< this close to 30 lbs. YAY ERIK!!!! I'm seriously HAPPY for him.....but can help having a little bit of the green eyed monster feelings. ;) It is really tough seeing the scale continually moving for him.....even just ounces, when it stands still for me, sometimes for days. But, how cool is it that we've now lost effectively 50 lbs between us!!! That's more than Connor weighs, and just a few pounds less than Aidan! We've lost a kid! lol It's AMAZING!!! Will be even better when we're half the people we used to be. :)

So...I've noticed, that when I get my lean and green meal in earlier in the day, I tend to lose. Whether that's a fluke or what, I don't know. So, I'm trying to shake things up a bit, by eating my L&G for lunch instead of dinner. It does kind of suck to not sit down and eat what the rest of the family is eating, but oh well. I can still sit with them and eat one of my Medifast meals. I figure I can make whatever for dinner and stick a portion aside for myself to eat the next day at lunch. I really want to see if that makes a difference for me. I know that the number I've lost is actually *very* good.....but when you've got a lot to lose, it's a little depressing to see such small progress.

I just remembered, I need to take pictures of Erik before he loses much more....since he hit his 10% bodyweight loss. The difference in him (by looking at him) is awesome. He's dropped at least one pant size and you can definitely SEE that he's losing weight. Me, I don't know so much. I'm definitely slimming down, but I'm not sure how noticeable it is to others yet. I'm losing it in areas that are probably less noticeable to others. Like, "the girls" have shrunk quite a bit. Why do we always lose there first? lol So, it will be fun to see some comparison pics as we lose. :)

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