Wednesday, February 23, 2011

And another month later.......

Good grief!!! I really do have the best intentions when it comes to this blog, but life seems to always get in the way! Thought I should post a little bit of an update though! ;) I am now 121 pounds down and have said so long to the 160s and HELLO to the 150s!!! :)

Loss has been slightly slower this month (month of February). I went out of town for a week, and while I didn't "cheat" and eat badly during that week....I ate salads out a lot. Unfortunately, that usually means that I've not eaten enough protein because restaurants are usually pretty sparing on meat on a ginormous (in some cases) bed of greens. I did fall off the wagon slightly on my last day out of town. It was my niece's birthday and by the time I was picked up from the airport and taken to my inlaw's house and seeing my husband and kiddos for the first time in a week, it was party time and I just didn't have it in me to drive out somewhere in search of a "lean and green" meal. Was back on plan 100% the next morning and I'm okay with that. :) The combination of the week and the one meal (and a little cake ;) ) threw me a bit off. So, while I didn't gain.....I didn't lose either. Could also have been a period of my body playing catch up too. I've had weeks like that when I've done everything perfectly, so it is what it is.

Starting this program a little over 10 months ago at 280.2 pounds, I could only hope and dream that I could look and feel like this again after more than a decade of being obese. Now I'm about 29 pounds away from my tentative "goal." :) I've decided that I'm aiming for 130. I haven't weighed that little since I don't even know when. High school? Middle school? Either way, it's been a LONG time. So, that's what I'm shooting for and hoping that it's possible. Any less.....well, I don't know if that's realistic with my rapidly approaching 35 year old, have grown and birthed 3 babies body. LOL However, a year ago, I'd have laughed at the idea that I'd ever think about weighing 130 again. :) When people who are my current weight would say something like "I want to lose 25-30 pounds." I'd be like, "If I had ONLY to lose 25-30 pounds! I'd be thrilled to weigh what you weigh!" It was true. Very true. I am happy where I am. I feel good, feel like I look pretty good. But, I know I can do better. So, I'm going on. I am still considered "overweight" on the charts and I don't want that. There's a pretty big range of "normal" that I can play around in. 130 puts me well in and gives me a "buffer." Only 19 pounds to NORMAL!!!!! :)

Here's a pic I had taken a couple of weeks ago when I was in Utah, after I whacked my hair off! :)

Oh! And for my side by side comparison pics, now that I'm so close to goal, I'm going to do every 20 pounds rather than the 10 I've been doing! So, another 9 pounds and I'll do the next set and the next group after will be my GOAL pics!!! :)


  1. I hope you write a book! We want to know EVERYTHING! It helps us. you've always been so real and approachable, thank you.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS JODI AND ERIK!!!!! We are PROUD of you two! You set a good example to us!
    Keep up the good work!
    You are wishing upon a Star and your dreams are coming true!!!!!! WONDERFUL MY FRIEND AND SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!
    By the way, I love this song!!!!! First time ever listening to it!
